MCXMember Portal


SEBI mandated that a web application be built to connect the exchange to all members, offer services, allow the uploading of member data, facilitate compliance.


There were legacy applications which needed studying, replacing, or integrating. Some key calculations had been implemented as stored procedures in the database and were hampering scalability. The time window to take handover and begin building on legacy systems was extremely tight.


We put together an empowered team to take over the application, and engaged in intense negotiations for sequencing and priority of tasks, while providing incident response support in parallel. Batch job chunking was introduced, together with parallel processing of tasks, to speed up rate-limiting processes.


A lot of effort was put in to study the legacy code,optimise it, and finally reach the TaT SLNthe client expected. All outstanding clean-up was done. The system delivers stability and peace of mind now.

The case study above is published purely as a factual example of work done by Remiges Technologies (“Remiges”) for a client, and may contain some views of Remiges. Remiges asserts that the work described above is factually correct. Remiges has no association or relationship with the client other than as vendor and client for the duration of the contract. Nothing here indicates or implies any endorsement, promotion, or support for Remiges by the client or of the work done, nor does it represent the views of the client. Remiges does not represent the client in any capacity.