Keurix BV is the most exciting startup in civil infrastructure inspection in the Netherlands. This is the same country which lies lower than sea level and wouldn’t like to be submerged, so they know a thing or two about civil construction inspection. Keurix has been working in this area for sometime, bringing iPads to the construction site for fast and flawless inspection.
Keurix wanted to give each inspector an iPad with blueprints and checklists, so that he could walk around, inspect each pipe, tap, fitting, and electrical duct and make precise notes.
The blueprints were massive, stretching the ability of the iPad to display and zoom them. Users needed to work at construction sites where there was no Internet connection, and yet wanted all data and features to work without hiccups. And above all, any shaky software or flaky hardware meant that the inspector would lose valuable time, and the company, valuable money.
We built an app and a website to back it. This app ran on iPads but was developed in Ionic to let them move to Android whenever Android became attractive in the Netherlands.
The app worked without a glitch when away from the Internet. All data would sync when the inspector returned to his home or office and hit the “sync” button on the app. All inspection blueprints, checklists, and problem tickets would sync with the local store on the iPad, and latest reports would be uploaded to the website for further processing. The website let coordinators generate the required reports at the click of a button.
Keurix is a name to reckon with in the civil construction industry in the Netherlands. They have changed the way construction is monitored and flaws are tracked and closed by the builder’s team.They have also broken new ground in the time-to-report area, from the day the inspector does his rounds to the day the report reaches the construction team’s management.All thanks to some path-breaking Ionic code and a lot of blueprints on iPads.
The case study above is published purely as a factual example of work done by Remiges Technologies (“Remiges”) for a client, and may contain some views of Remiges. Remiges asserts that the work described above is factually correct. Remiges has no association or relationship with the client other than as vendor and client for the duration of the contract. Nothing here indicates or implies any endorsement, promotion, or support for Remiges by the client or of the work done, nor does it represent the views of the client. Remiges does not represent the client in any capacity.